08 January 2009

ugh - yeah!- & pause for geekiness

I have a lot to share and not a lot of time to do it in, so this is gonna have to do for now.

Not more than a month's reprieve and the axe is being sharpened yet again. We'll know more details tomorrow after updates. I'm not sure how much more I can take.

Welcome little Miss Payton Hope! Your Mommy and Daddy and big brother have been waiting for you to make your appearance.

pause for geekiness
Independent Lens (one of my FAV pbs series) is broadcasting a show called Helvetica--all about the typeface, its design, use, over-use, etc. this Sunday in my nape of the forest. Okay, so I am a major geek, but can you tell I love what I do? Check your local listings. BTW - according to the online quiz and my personality I am biergarten font....

Hmm...kinda dark and goth-like...must be the black hair from Halloween still tickling my grey matter. :) What font are you?

Gotta Motor,