22 June 2009


Let’s see. There have been a few changes in plans since my last update. So…

Sam sitting went EXTREMELY well. I think I have the best behaved furry nephew on the planet. We went to G’s house on Fri night for dinner, and except for jumping off the couch and landing on Ollie--which was no slam on Ollie, Sam just NEVER looks where he is going--we had a nice time. The next day we went out to Chris & Kevin’s where everything was great, until I got out of the jeep. In Sam’s excitement to meet Gypsy (their black lab) and Candy (their little mutt), he jumped into the front seat--with one paw landing squarely on the lovely cake box from Alpen Rose. The cake was still edible, though not what you would call aesthetically pleasing. :)

Rosie the cat made it her mission to stalk and torment Sam while we were there. Poor Sam finally had enough as we were leaving and jumped out of the jeep as I turned to say goodbye and made a beeline for the feline. He didn’t get too far before we coaxed him back, but Rosie was sure caught off guard. I had a blast with Sam, even though he is a master manipulator and I am a schmuck.

Went out to Chris’s again the other week and took the kids to see the Night at the Museum 2: Battle for the Smithsonian. Hated it (think Damon Wayans and David Alan Grier form those old In Living Color skits). Seriously, it stunk-stunketty-stunk-stunk. Immensely disappointed, but had fun hanging out with the kids and then later Chris and her neighbor Amy (who also happens to be a colleague, Tech and Lambda Theta alum). We had some nice wine and lemon bars and watched 27 Dresses--way better than the other flick.

The cos collection decided to forgo the Dane Cook performance at the Palace--that gathering is postponed until a TBD date/performance we can all agree on and attend…hmmm…2023 maybe? :)

In lieu of that, I took a vacay day Fri the 12th and went with my pal Beth to the Waterfront Film Festival. We planned to dress up all Hollywood/mysterious with hats and dark shades--and we did. I even got complemented on my ensemb at the first venue--it was totally all my Stella McCartney bag (awesome score at 85% off). We seriously went to stalk any celebs that made appearances, but we happened to pick some awesome movies to see too. The first was Weather Girl. It definitely hit home with some laugh-out-loud moments. Then it was a quick brunch of eggs benedict at Monroe’s, followed by The Baker. Dry British humor my arse. This was freakin’ Hi-Larry-Us. We then had a break where Beth (8+ months pg) got to drink vicariously through me as I downed a couple of margaritas on the deck at the Butler--accompanied by the appropriate not-used-to-drinking-midday-on-a-less-than-full-tummy ramblings. So we followed our beverage break with the next logical option--ice cream from Kilwin’s, duh. :)

We made it back in time for our last feature of the day, Waiting for Ophelia. Although it was very good, it was more of a drama than the comedies form earlier in the day, so it kinda killed my buzz. That and the star was Yeardley Smith, who along with being there at a Q&A session post-flick, is also the voice of Lisa Simpson. My brain, eyes, and ears had a really difficult time getting past that--the Jose Cuervo didn’t help with the reconciliation. All in all, it was a very good time and we both plan to go again.

The Wings lost.
In Detroit.
In Game 7.
Even though I didn’t jinx them by watching. Ok, I may have snuck in some radio broadcast on the way home, but that doesn’t count.

After the film fest, I picked up my latest charge. Mr. Finnigan. a 130#, 1 year old Newfoundland that belongs to a colleague of mine named Tom.


I took him for a test drive that weekend in preparation for watching him for a longer duration this summer. He rocks. The change jar is now officially the Angus fund so I can get my very own. :)

Work is busy, but going well. Got awesome props from our Bulgarian colleagues who prefer the NA implementation hands down over the EU implementation--which basically means I and former colleagues really did a nice job. Yeah us!!!

Well, we made the national news here for our flooding/washouts this past week. Unfortunately, I did not escape unscathed. However, compared to what others had to endure, I got off easy. The fans, a/c, and dehumidifier are still running in the basement to clean up the flood. The following is a pic I took mid-storm about 9:30 Fri night off my back deck. Mind you, there is never typically even a stream back there--just lawn. Nature’s fury, eh?

the flood

On a serious note, Leo came home three days early from his varmit hunting trip b/c he wasn’t feeling well again. He even tried to fly home. That is serious for Leo. He went to the doc as soon as he got home and has a battery of tests scheduled at the hospital this week. Good vibes, prayers, and happy karma are all welcome.

Until next time…

01 June 2009

a star is born...

I couldn't be prouder/more excited!!!

My little sister, Nanner, filmed her silver screen debut this past weekend. She was an extra in a scene for film called "The Irishman" starring Val Kilmer and Christopher Walken. The scene was shot somewhere dt Detroit this past weekend. She sat a seat away from Mr. Kilmer (ah, Iceman....) during the scene. Check it out...

She hopes this is the breakthru perfomrance she'll need to make it big in the lucrative world of infomercials! Hahaha! Go Nanner!