05 March 2009


Nanner, thanks for being a wonderful nagging lil sista. I love you!

Angie M., I’m glad you were able to use the six word memoir with your students. I do hope you share what they come up with (even if you have to keep it anonymous)! Also, isn't it about time for you to push?

Beth, thanks for your kind words--you rock! Somehow, the possibility of that travel book seems a wee bit more real…

Alex, your words and outlook hit me like a lightning bolt the other day little dude. I was thinking about the time I got to spend with you and your big brother over the holidays. I don’t know why in particular, but playing ‘Guess Who’ with you popped into my head. Your voice asking me, “Aunt Jenny, is your person’s skin color black or white?” kept playing over and over in my head. You asked that question, just like that, every time we played a round. It took a while for me to realize that at the tender young age of 5 your penchant for the precise use of words held a deeper symbolism, at least to me. I phrased my question to you the way you hear it in the mass media, “Alex, is your person black or white?”

five-year-old version = assigning skin color as just another physically descriptive feature, like eye color or hair color

adult version = assigning black or white as definitives; absolutes in and of themselves--implying we are our skin color

In the adult world where the best intentions can easily get lost amid the maze of political correctness, or worse, drowned out by the crowd, it was SO refreshing and poignant to see the world through the eyes of a five year old. Thanks pal for opening my eyes and showing me that a few simple words can make a huge difference.


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