24 November 2008

philosophy & general happenstance & secrets


philosophical outlook...

Slowly but surely putting the pieces of my life in some semblance of order. What order is best? Alphabetical? Chronological? Increasing Price? The more I think about it, the more I enjoy disorder. There is comfort in not having everything planned out. If there is no plan--the plan can't go awry, right? Enjoy the ride. This is so contrary to how I used to live my life. However, as I continue to grow and learn about myself I've realized that straight-laced, prim, proper, rule follower isn't the best way to live. Don't get me wrong, I'm not planning on becoming an anarchist. Just letting my hair down. Unclenching. It's kinda cool, kinda scary, but I'm ok with it. I'm a work in progress, and I like it that way.

general happenstance...

Been keeping myself busy as of recent with an eclectic variety of tasks and adventures. The Pfaltzgraff outlet in my town (like all others across the nation) is going out of business--online store only in the future. Anywho, picked up a hinder-load of crazy cheap dishes for the homestead. It is amazing how much time and effort can go into removing pricetags and their gummy residue. Made some homemade Christmas cards at my pal's (Kim's) house the other night and then headed over to Becky V.'s to see Kathy who was visiting from Teh-hass (thnx Dee P.) where there was wine and Guitar Hero.

sidebar: Okay, I think I am the only person on the planet that is bored by GH and the endless clicking of the multi-colored "string-buttons". Everyone seems to enjoy it and I sit their with my plastic grin on, pouring myself more wine. No offense all you GH lovers, but it just ain't my bag. Give me Wii bowling anyday.

On Sat I cruised over to Sarah's house (G was off trying to kill large furry animals, and Amiah was in Lansing w/ her g-ma) and met up with some chicas (Deb, Stacy, & Missy) to watch the Sex & The City movie, while tossing back a couple of cosmos. I think I am too mid-west-wonder-bread to develop a taste for the high fashion portrayed in the movie. I prefer my own style to anything ever put on a catwalk. It doesn't work for everybody, but it works for me.

T-day will be spent with the fam on the East side. Looking forward to seeing my nephews (the furry one included) and just chillaxing a bit.


So I just finished reading the PostSecret books a bit ago--they are wonderfully voyeuristic and funny and tragic and beautiful, I highly recommend them. Great coffee table books too, especially if you don't have "clutch the pearls" type guests that would be rifling through them, maybe even better if you do. I have't submitted any secrets, but I was intrigued by the notion. I like to think that I am a pretty open book and that I don't have a lot of secrets. I therefore challenged myself to come up with some things that I don't think many of you would know about me. Here's some that I came up with...

  • When I eat cottage cheese, I put enough fresh ground black pepper in it to turn it charcoal.
  • I am a closet NIN fan still--something slighty rebellious about having 'Closer' blast through your headphones at work while weaving software process.
  • I tried to buy a new bra last week--only one in my size in all of Kohl's, pitfalls of the zip code.
  • Bruce Willis has replaced Mel Gibson at the top of my fav actor's list.
  • There are 11 pillows (6 standard, 2 king, 2 European, & 1 body) on my bed--and I need nine of the in order to fall asleep there.
  • If I lose my job here due to layoffs, I'm 75% certain I will be pursuing a career in an entirely new field--and that intrigues me immensely.
  • To this day, I wouldn't be caught dead w/o my four toe rings and sparkly toenail polish
  • The password to most of my life is based off of a crazy song from GCHS years.

Got any secrets of your own?


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