05 November 2008

aging -> halloween -> civic duties -> saying goodbye + greece pics

Hiya all.

First off thanks to all of you for your warm b-day wishes. I had a really nice day and am blessed to have so many wonderful peeps to share it with. As for the traditional birthday treats, this year I put on a baked potato bar for my colleagues with all the trimings. That ancient old roaster I got at a garage sale up in Eagle Harbor for DZ Lambda Theta 25 year has been an awesome investment (especially seeing as I like to cook). BTW - Nicole, I know I owe you an email with an address in it--I hope to get that to you today.

We repeated the baked potato bar notion at the Halloween party on Fri. It was a big hit, and this time we added homemade chili to the spread. As for my costume, I was warm and cozy in my layers of velvet as some sorta goth dead vampy chica (waiting on pics). I was however, totally unprepared for how shocked everyone was/is at work by my new jet black locks. A dude who has know me since I started here, looked right at me and walked right past me all while he was looking for me. I'll dye it red again once the black starts to fade (I used the real hair dye - not the Halloweeny stuff). In the meantime, I'm digging a bunch of black clothes out of the back of the closet that I haven't worn in a while. That and I'm wearing a TON more eye makeup--otherwise it looks like I'm wearing a wig. The party itself was a hoot. No party poopers attended--which is too bad b/c I was looking forward to painting up someone's face. Oh well, there's always next year. :)

Civic duties...
I did go vote yesterday, as was my civic duty. However, I was so torn on the issues that are important to me and the candidates stance on those issues that I honestly put very little thought into the choices I made--seeing as overthinking it for 2+ years hasn't got me anywhere either. Either way I didn't run into any of the long lines that people were worried about. I guess there are benefits to living in a rural po-dunk area.

Saying Goodbye...
One of my favorite people in the whole wide world left work today. He's taking a 3 week trip to Spain with his wife before settling into his new job at a competitor. He is the first boss I had as a bonafide adult, and he was awesome at it. He slammed a beer with me after work on my first weekend here. He was the spirit behind the fun-filled trek to Isle Royale. He continued to rise through the ranks during his time here, but he never took on that pointy-haired management persona. He stayed completely true to himself. For that, he has my heartfelt admiration. He truly is one of the best men I have ever known. Although I will miss his calm, reassuring voice around here in times of chaos, I am so happy for him in his new journey. "Good Afternoon PVL!"

Greece pics...
Nanner was able to get me her pics this AM (thanks Nanner!!! :). I had a wee bit of time over lunch to look at them and start turning them all up-right and non-katy-wampus. If all goes well, a coherent album will be available by the beginning of next week. This reminds me, Em, I still have a camera to get back to you!

Odds & Ends...
*Two snaps up in a circle to Jeremy's 100% smooth surgery--may the recovery go just as well.
*Michelle P. - now that I have your email address (thanks Ang M.), I need to track you down and set up a time/date for that drink.
*Doc updates -- well let's just say the results of my tests were surprising, bewildering, and odd. I went back for follow-up tests and have another follow-up and need to schedule more tests. Yipee--I think this is the med industry's revenge on me for dissing them for so long. No worries--nothing alarming at this point, just weird.

Time to make like a banana...


Unknown said...

You can keep the camera.


Anonymous said...

I look forward to connecting!