14 October 2008

home sweet home

This is not a blog about Greece. I am about 2/3 of the way thru captioning my pics, and I still need to get Nanner's pics. I will share as soon as humanly possible on that topic.

I got to catch up with some of my favorite munchkins [Brook & Noah] last night and have been officially invited to attend the opening of HSM Senior Year with them. Yeah, there are benefits to having the mental aptitude of a five year old--at least little people think I'm cool to hang around. :) Hahaha.

Brook, Princess-In-Training

I also got to see the long awaited remodeling-in-progress of Brook and Noah's rents' house. I am soooo very excited for them. This great little family is finally going to have space to breathe in their home--I think the new floor plan is almost tripling their space. The bonus part is I have my own room there--it's the play room, but I was promised (haha- Chris!!!) that I get to decorate it anyway I want. I am thinking of going with a different theme for each square foot. I may be childlike, but I'm still evil-hahahaha!.

In the meantime Brook, Noah, and their rents have moved into the barn and an RV on their property. I'm crossing my fingers for them that the construction has no delays. At least the munchkins think of it as a bit of adventure at this point.

Can't wait to see the finished product.



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