22 October 2008

nightlife, dress-up, turds and other such happenings...


I am happy to say that I now have ALL of my Greece trip pics uploaded and captioned. I still need to get Nanner's to fill in the gaps tho. She's a busy lady, so I'm hoping that by Thanksgiving I'll have a complete album to share.

In the meantime, I thought I'd fill you in on some of the minutiae of the daily moments. I had an event filled weekend cleaning up the pit that serves as my abode. Between mountains of laundry that I need to get caught up on and cleaning out things (yes, mainly closets) to contribute to Mt. Yard Sale Kaka whose base-camp is in my basement--and of course procrastinating, I was pretty busy.

I did, however, find time to go out with some pals (Elaine, Doug, Lisa, Jim, Lee, Lynne, Harv, J, Eric, Tessa, amongst some others) to celebrate Tessa's birthday. We started out at Eric & Tessa's house and then headed on to the Groovewalk. Man, you'd never guess this was a conservative town amidst a local, state, national and even global recssion based on the amount of peeps out on the town. Lines to get in everywhere. Long, long lines. We finally hunkered down at the CitySen Lounge where I enjoyed the strongest toddy(ies) I've had in awhile. We also ran into local/state movie maker man, Hopwood Dupree, there. That was kinda cool.

next topic...

I'm in the process of helping a pal plan a Halloween Costume Party. I'm pretty pumped about it, b/c Halloween just happens to be my favorite holiday. I guess I never got over the dress-up make believe stuff from childhood (thank goodness Brook still lets me play Polly Pockets when I visit her). I LOVE IT! Growing up we always had homemade costumes, which were completely fine. This year however, I invested in a new ensemb (costume, shoes, make-up, the whole sha-bang). I'm even dying my hair for it--and not that chinzy Halloween one nite stuff. When it starts to wear out, I'll go back to being a red-head. I can't wait to dress-up. I think I'm going to start a petition to turn Halloween from a one day holiday into a week-long festival. We honestly don't have enough fun in life anymore--this will help with that. I promise. :)

next topic...

The turd. After a nice 6-month reprieve, I ran into Fecal Matter yesterday while leaving work. SOB! I think it is no coincidence that after he joined the industry, the economy went down the crapper. Why does he even make an attempt to acknowledge when he's knows I'd rather see him burned at the stake? Bastard. Ugh, anyway I hope not to repeat that run-in again anytime soon.

other random topics...

I have a follow up this Fri with the new med doctor. Hopefully I'm not too, too screwed up. We'll see. Slowly but surely overcoming obstacles with new work tasks. There is a certain software company that is making me crazy at this point--but I'm gonna beat it. Oh yeah. I will conquer! :) Ok, I've avoided dealing with said software company long enough--back to the battle!!

Catch ya later!

PS - Mad props to Em on her radio debut!!!


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